The Alex Blackwood Foundation for Hope started in 2008 in Little Rock, Arkansas. Its mission is to promote collaboration for Suicide Awareness and prevention. Steven Blackwood is the President and inspiration for the formation of the foundation, which was brought to fruition by Connie Hill and her family. As survivors of suicide, Steven and Cindi Blackwood lost their son, Alex, in 2008 at age 19. Quickly realizing how important it is to break the cycle and the silence of depression and suicide, they, along with their daughter, Ariel, passionately began forming the ABF. With an understanding of the risks of depression leading to suicide, the foundation has rooted itself as a new source for delivering a message of HOPE. Depression is treatable, and suicide is preventable.
• Host and facilitate A.S.I.S.T. (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) programs to train fifteen to thirty people.
• Implement a pilot program for suicide prevention in high schools.
• Develop and enhance website to promote awareness.
• Collaborate with at least six partner agencies.
• Develop a speaker bureau to educate and publicize suicide awareness and prevention.
• Provide seed funding for promising programs of suicide prevention.
Core Values
• Educating others on the importance of learning about the signs of depression and suicide
• Awareness through education that depression is treatable and suicide is preventable
• Preventing suicide by awareness and education of proper steps/action
By working non-competitively with other organizations like the Arkansas Crisis Center, the ABF has been instrumental in the first suicide prevention plan for the state of Arkansas.
The foundation also contributed to the success of the first Suicide Prevention Network Conference held in Arkansas with participating government agencies, healthcare organizations and schools from around the state.
The ABF is currently pursuing a pilot program for suicide awareness and prevention in high schools which, upon completion, will be offered to schools on a national scale.
The mission of the ABF is to break the silence and bring awareness while providing hope and saving lives!